Gourmet Bottled Balut

Gourmet Bottled Balut

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Bottled Balut In Brine- A thermally processed product made from freshly boiled 18 day -old fertilized duck egg packed in Brine. 2 pieces Balut in a glass jar at net weight og 230 grams. Product has been carefully sterilized under pressure, it has a vacuum of 45-54 KPa. Gross weight 391-398 grams and ph of 6.9-7.1. Shelf life 2 years.Enjoy its flavorful broth and unique combination of saltiness and tartness. It can be served as is or used to cook special recipes such as Balut ala pobre, adobo,and oven-baked Balut supreme.

Bottled Balut In Afritada Sauce- A thermally processed product made from freshly boiled 18 day -old fertilized duck egg packed in Afritada Sauce.2 pieces Balut in a glass jar at net weight og 230 grams. Product has been carefully sterilized under pressure, it has a vacuum of 45-54 KPa. Gross weight 391-398 grams and ph of 6.9-7.1.Shelf life 2 years. Made from special home-cooked recipe handed for generations. Mixed with the freshest ingredients in tangay tomato-based sauce and enriched with fresh carrots,bell pepper and potato.

Bottled Balut In Caldetereta Sauce- A thermally processed product made from freshly boiled 18 day -old fertilized duck egg packed in Caldereta Sauce.2 pieces Balut in a glass jar at net weight og 230 grams. Product has been carefully sterilized under pressure, it has a vacuum of 45-54 KPa. Gross weight 391-398 grams and ph of 6.9-7.1.Shelf life 2 years. Authentic- Balut Pateros in a spicy brown Caldereta Sauce.